Get download URL for media

This API will get media download URL



Field Type Description
id int Media's unique identifier (add 10 infront the id for 123rf images, 11 for StockUnlimited, 12 for StockUnlimited Free
id int Media's unique identifier (add 13 infront the id for 123RF PLUS)
id int Media's unique identifier (add 14 infront the id for 123RF FREE)
dl_type string Filter by Media's sizes / resolution / format
Value options:
s = small
m = medium
ml = medium large
l = large
xl = extra large
xxl = extra extra large
eps = scalable size of vectors
poel = Print Only Extended License
eoel = Electronic Only Extended License
cel = Comprehensive Extended License

Cannot be left empty
Refer to Get Media Details for sizes
dl_type string Filter by Media's resolution / format
Value resolution options:

Cannot be left empty
dl_type string Filter by Media's resolution / format
Value options:
dl_type string Filter by Media's resolution / format
Value options:
dl_type string Filter by Media's resolution / format
Value options:
m = medium

Cannot be left empty
Refer to Get Media Details for sizes
dl_type string Filter by Media's resolution / format
Value options:
l = large

Cannot be left empty
Refer to Get Media Details for sizes
current_time int Current unix time
sign string Download signature, md5(apikey + apisecret + id + dl_type + current time in unix)
api_key string Api key
ext int Filter media download by license
Value accepted will be 1 for downloading Extended License
cust_id string Client unique identity
Value accepted will be alphanumeric (Max length: 20)


Field Type Description
download_url string Media's download link

Response Codes

Code Description
200 OK
400 Bad request

Sample Request{media ID}&sign={dlsign}&current_time={unix time}&api_key={api key}&dl_type={download size}

Sample Request{media ID}&sign={dlsign}&current_time={unix time}&api_key={api key}&dl_type={download size}&cust_id={cust id}

Sample Response

"download_url": "{your_unique_download_link_here}"

Error responses

Code Description
1400 Invalid input
Please ensure input of Media's id is valid.
1401 Invalid source
Please ensure input value is valid.
1402 Invalid dl_type
Please ensure input download type is valid.
1403 Invalid download
Please ensure input values are valid.
1404 Missing download 'sign'
Please ensure input values are valid.
1405 Download Link Expired
Please generate new 'download_URL' .
1406 Invalid download 'sign'
Please ensure md5 structure for sign is valid.
1407 Invalid API Key
Please ensure input value is valid.
1412 Missing download 'cust_id'
Please ensure input value is valid.
1413 Invalid image 'file type'
Please ensure input image id and dl type are valid for selected source.

Sample error response

  "error_code": "1404",
  "error_message": "Invalid download"